How to relieve a vaginal mycosis that comes back ?
Despite the treatments prescribed by your doctor, your vaginal mycosis regularly recurs ? Vaginal thrush is a common infection in women that is easily treated, but when it returns, it is a sign of a deeper imbalance. Find out how to relieve a vaginal mycosis recurring !
What is a vaginal mycosis ?
Burning when urinating, itching of the vulva and vagina, white discharge… The symptoms of vaginal mycosis are easily recognized ! Vaginal mycosis is due to the proliferation of a microscopic fungus, the candida albicans. Following an imbalance of the vaginal flora, this yeast which is present in the human body, will then develop in an exponential way and lead to a mycosis.
What are the causes of the appearance of a vaginal mycosis ?
Several factors can disturb the fragile balance of the vaginal microbiota and explain the appearance of vulvovaginal mycosis, also known as vaginal yeast infections vaginitis mycotic or candidiasis:
- A hormonal upheaval or imbalance: a pregnancy that impacts a woman’s immune system, but also the second part of the menstrual cycle when the progesterone level is higher than the estrogen.
- Taking certain antibiotics that do not distinguish between good and bad bacteria and thus weaken the vaginal flora.
- Excessive hygiene and especially douching, which destroys the flora and disturbs the pH of the vagina.
- Wearing underwear that is too tight or synthetic.
- Using sanitary tampons that dry out the mucous membranes.
- Going to swimming pools or Jacuzzis that are not properly disinfected.
- Stress and fatigue that weaken the immune system.
- Sexual intercourse during an episode of vaginal dryness.
- Bad eating or living habits (too much sugar, alcohol consumption, smoking…).
Is it serious not to treat a mycosis ?
If you experience all the symptoms of vaginal fungus, it is extremely important to promptly consult your doctor or ask for an over-the-counter treatment at the pharmacy.
Not taking care of your fungus can quickly lead toworsen its symptoms and it will become more and more painful. Especially since the infection will gradually gain ground and affect the entire genital area, including the anal region.
Finally, you should know that an untreated mycosis can cause complications such as the development of pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. Moreover, it can also be an STD or herpes and it is therefore preferable to have a reliable diagnosis.
Genital mycosis can be treated very well and quickly, so treat it !
How to relieve a declared vaginal mycosis ?
Once the diagnosis is made, your doctor can prescribe two different treatments: a antifungal ovule to be inserted into the vagina and/or a antifungal cream to apply on the vulva.
If the vulvar mycosis is just beginning and the symptoms are still minimal, you can try to treat the vaginal infection naturally withthyme linalol essential oil. Mix 3 drops of thyme EO with 10 drops of vegetable oil and apply the remedy to the outside of the genital tract, morning and evening until the fungus disappears. Caution: this treatment is contraindicated for women who are less than 3 months pregnant and during breastfeeding.
During the infection, you can to relieve a vaginal mycosis and especially its itching by taking a sitz baths, preferably cold, for 15 minutes. You can also apply a few drops ofTea Tree essential oil on a compress and apply it to the vulva.
How to avoid the recurrence of vaginal mycosis
Despite vaginal treatments, your fungus recurs ? If you have eliminated the possibility of a different infection (herpes, STI…), then it is very likely that your microbiota is totally unbalanced.
Eliminating the fungus responsible for the infection will not be enough, you will also have to rebalance your vaginal flora. Here are a few tips to help you:
- Take a course of probiotics: these food supplements contain billions of bacteria that will reseed your vaginal flora. Gynophilus or MĂ©digyne ovules are very effective in preventing recurrences.
- Adopt a balanced diet: avoid sugary products and prefer vegetables which will bring you fibers and vitamins to feed the good bacteria of the intestinal and vaginal flora.
- Reduce stress and get a better quality of sleep.
- Practice regular physical activity to boost immunity and eliminate toxins.
- Change to an intimate hygiene that respects your vaginal flora: stop douching and do not use any product to wash your genitals. Washing with bare hands is enough (no gloves or shower flowers), the vagina cleans itself, it does not need you !
- Use a water-based lubricant during sexual intercourse to avoid micro-lesions and other irritations.
- Choose cotton underwear and avoid wearing panties at night.
- Replace your tampons and sanitary napkins with menstrual panties.
- After a session in the pool, quickly remove your bathing suit and rinse yourself with clear water.
- If you are prone to vaginal infections and need to take antibiotics or corticosteroids, ask for a prescription for ovules in case the infection comes back.
Finally : relieve a vaginal thrush is quite simple and its recurrence is not inevitable ! However, a regular visit to your gynecologist is always a good thing to rule out any risk of more serious diseases !