Aquabiking in Paris: why practice this sport ?
A sport practice that has become increasingly popular and common in France, interval training is a great way to learn how to improve the quality of your lifeaquabiking. You are probably wondering what this activity is, what the benefits are and how much it costs. Fortunately for you, we’re here to answer your questions and guide you to efficient practice.
It must be said that for the less bilingual among us, the name is not necessarily very meaningful. So, without further ado, let’s lift the veil on aquabiking and discover together what this sport practice consists of. You’ll also see that it is quite possible to practice aquabiking in Paris.
C’what is the’aquabiking ?
Aquabiking is a whole new sport practice which allows you to work your cardio and develop your muscles. Especially for the legs and the lower body, since the principle of aquabiking is to cycle in water. So, no, you won’t have to ride your bike in pools.
But you will be sitting on an indoor bike, which itself is installed in a large pool.
That is, the only part of your body in contact with the water is your legs, as well as part of your stomach. Visually, aquabiking looks like an indoor bike stuck in a pool. Your efforts are multiplied by ten, since you pedal directly in the water.
With the resistance imposed by the water, a 30-minute session becomes much more effective than a 30-minute session on a classic indoor bike.
Doing a workout’aquabiking in Paris: what are the benefits ?
The benefits of aquabiking are numerous and it is quite possible for you to experience them. Not only because this activity is rather accessible, but also because in Paris, there are more and more places offering this kind of sport practice. Especially in some gyms or in places like Aqua by, which are specialized in aquabiking.
The number one advantage of aquatics’The most important thing about aquabiking is probably that it is less tiring, less painful. When you make an effort in the water, you feel less tired than when you are on dry land. And yet, an aquabiking session allows you to burn more calories than a classic indoor cycling session.
Less aches and pains, a feeling of less effort, but clearly more encouraging results.
Moreover, it is very pleasant, after a long day of work, to be among others in a heated pool, with a coach who motivates us to surpass ourselves. The results of this practice are amazing and convince more and more athletes in Paris. So, if you want to work out and get results quickly, aquabiking can be a solution.
How much does a session cost ?
Now the question arises of price of this sport activity. Because it’s all very well to talk about it and to present its benefits, but it is still necessary that this practice is affordable ! We will therefore inform you about this point, in a very transparent way. Generally, there are introductory offers for new clients who have never done aquabiking before. Also, you can benefit from your first session for a sum of about 20 €.
For a more regular practice, there are packages that reduce the price of a classic session from about 35 € to 20 € per session. But this type of offer is only possible if you commit to a package equivalent to about 40 aquabiking sessions. And these offers are generally valid for a period of approximately’one year.
How often should you exercise?’aquabiking ?
As for the frequency of aquabiking sessions We advise you to listen to your body and your wallet. First of all, because the price of a session is not within everyone’s reach, especially if the practice becomes regular, but also because it is important to listen to your body.
Certainly, with winter coming, it is particularly pleasant to practice your sport in a heated pool in the summer’shelter from the cold. So, if there is one period when we advise you to practice aquabiking regularly, it is in winter. During this period, when it is less common to exercise, do not hesitate to stand out and do two sessions of aquabiking per week.