How to pass the highway code ?
We are more than 40 million people to have a driving license in France, that is to say 2 French out of 3. Although the figure is down from the previous year, more than 2,700 people died as a result of road accidents in 2020. That’s why it is more than essential to master the Highway Code and not to neglect this test.
What’is the code of the road ?
The Highway Code includes a whole set of regulations and the laws It is a durable protection against dirt and stains, to be respected by all road users (motorists, motorcyclists, scooters, etc.).) and concern the license categories B1, B, BE, C, D, CE, DE, C1, D1, C1E, D1E. The training with the traffic regulations (theoretical part from driver’s license ) and the pipe (practical part) can be done simultaneously. The exam of the highway code is called ETG : common general theory test.
The Highway Code, in training or in exams, is presented in the form of photos and videos, with real-life situations most of the time. This theoretical part focuses on 7 distinct themes:
- circulation;
- the driver ;
- the road and other users ;
- first aid;
- getting in and out of the driver’s seat;
- The mechanical components of the vehicle;
- the safety equipment of the cars;
- ecology.
How to learn the highway code ?
For learn the highway code, There are different methods of preparation:
- training provided by a driving school in the form of a indoor courses ;
- training online and distance learning thanks to the training platforms for the highway code offered by driving schools;
- learning the Highway code book.
Distance learning of the highway code is becoming more and more popular. Take Roule Raoule’s online driving lessons and train calmly and serenely. It is possible to prepare for the highway code as soon as 15 years old in the case of accompanied driving or from 16 years old for the traditional formula.
Driving school instructors must provide instruction in accordance with a standard contract established upstream with the candidate (program, price, services, etc.).) and in accordance with the road regulations in force.
How to pass the highway code ?
For How to pass the highway code, you have two options:
- via a driving school;
- as an independent candidate.
For free candidates, go to the ANTS website to obtain a harmonized prefectural registration number (NEPH) and register for the exam in an approved center. For the classic formulas, the driving school takes care of everything: registration and transmission of the appointment (date, time, place). Present your convocation and your ID before the test.
As with any official exam, it is forbidden to communicate with other candidates or to use your code book ! You will have 20 seconds to answer each question 40 questions of the exam (MCQ). If you get a minimum of 35 correct answers congratulations ! You get your highway code. If not, you will have to retake your exam at a future session.
You will receive the result of the exam by mail or by post the same day.
How much does the highway code cost? ?
Registration for the road code costs 30€, whether you take the exam through a driving school or as an independent candidate. Additional courses (code or driving) are charged: ask for a quote and compare the packages offered. You have 5 years after obtaining your driving license to pass the practical test.
On average, the price of the driving license (including the highway code) is between 1 800 € and 2 000. The price of the driving test varies according to the region, the number of courses and the structure chosen. From financial aid However, the CAF, Pôle Emploi and the regions have put in place programs to help young people (15-25 years old) to pass their driving test.
You will also need to gather the necessary budget for to acquire a car and take advantage of your new passport.
The license is synonymous with freedom. But before taking advantage of it and roader in the city, the highway code is a compulsory passage not to be neglected. Often dreaded by candidates, a good training will allow you to be ready and serene the day of the exam.