Working in progress on breast prevention
Breast cancer affects one in eight women. Today thanks to the diagnostic tests, it is possible to know it and fight it in early times.
The information and the prevention campaign, together with the advanced medical scientific technologies of our times, make this terrible evil that affects so frequently the female population is less and less.
The ASL Roma 4 has given prompt response to the regional directives regarding the assistance for the management of breast cancer, organizing themselves on multiple fronts by contacting all women and offering them services ranging from prevention to clinical diagnostics, from instrumental tests to Specific centers of Senology.
Thanks to the network connection of all hospital and territorial structures, it will be possible to guarantee continuity of taking charge of the care path aimed at the user.
The main purpose around which the organizational work of the ASL Roma 4 revolves is to create a diagnosis-therapy path based on the best scientific evidence currently existing, and therefore avoid the useless repetition of exams and offer top quality assistance. To this end, taking into account the directives dictated by the Lazio Region with the DCA 38/2015 concerning the guidelines on the organizational and welfare methods of the network of Senology centers, the ASL Roma 4 has agreed with a specific agreement with the Senology Center of the ASL Roma 1 -San Filippo Neri hospital.
The free services aimed at women are organized in age groups and symptoms:
Asyntomatic women in the age group between 50 and 69 years of age, an invitation letter will be sent to go to the mammographic screening units to perform free check units. Women included in this age group who have never received the letter, can still book the screening by calling the toll -free number 800539762. This type of prevention is foreseen in the interior of the regional screening program.
Asl Roma 4 ensures prevention also outside the regional screening program, for all women under the age of 50 and over 69. Women who want to take advantage of the service must submit a request by the general practitioner or specialist of the Health Service. For residents in the territory of the ASL Roma F Mammography is free every 2 years and also the second level performances needed if the screening requires it.
For women who present the symptoms, or the suspicion of breast cancer, the access to the start path with request by the general practitioner or specialist of the Health Service, with the indication of a short priority ( to be carried out within 10 days). The necessary diagnostic insights are insured within a maximum term of 28 days from the execution of the mammography.
To the women to whom breast cancer was diagnosed, the diagnostic structure guarantees the patient’s taking charge from the Senology Center of the San Filippo Neri Hospital. The health facilities of the ASL Roma 4 connected with San Filippo Neri, are the two hospitals in the area: San Paolo di Civitavecchia and Padre Pio di Bracciano.
Getting to meet the prevention of the female population, it is very important for the ASL Roma 4, as it is important to remind each woman who, even at a young age, prevention must start within the walls of the house, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, performing Periodically the self -repayment, and not hesitating to consult your doctor at any suspicious signal.