Valerian, how to use this drug
Anyone suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders is always looking for methods for be able to sleep better as well as the relaxing herbal teas It is good to evaluate the use of drugs but only under medical supervision.
In addition to the herbal teas that have a relaxing effect and reconcile sleep (such as the lemon balm or chamomile), Often real drugs are used like Valerian.
Recall that Valerian is still a drug
The Valerian drug contains an active ingredient called Dry Radice extract of Valeriana, calming and capable of inducing sleep.
Often the Valerian drug is formulated in 45 mg tablets and the recommended dosage is:
- 1-2 tablets twice a day for children
- 1-3 tablets three times a day for adults
The tablets must be swallowed without being chewed. It is advisable not to exceed these doses, unless it is indicated by your doctor.
And, if an excessive dose has been taken, it is necessary to contact a hospital or your doctor as soon as possible.
THE more common symptoms of overdossage I am:
- abdominal cramps
- vertigo
- sense of thoracic constraint
- tremor in the hands
- dilation of the pupils
The drug Valeriana must then be taken only for short periods and in any case the intake to anyone is not recommended:
- has hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or to one of the excipients contained in it;
- either in pregnancy or during the breastfeeding period (in general, it is not recommended to take it in these conditions, unless the doctor has prescribed differently. In any case, if it is suspected of being in a state of maternity, it is better to warn the doctor or pharmacist before taking it).
Since some Valerian drugs could contain fructose or sucrose, subjects intolerant to these sugars should consult the doctor before taking it.
A advice is not to take the drug of Valerian (or other preparations based on this) before driving (up to two hours earlier): in fact, by reconciling sleep, it could be dangerous.