Zika virus: first cases of infection in India. Alert of the Italian Ministry of Health
Alert of the Italian Ministry of Health for people traveling to high -risk areas, in particular pregnant women. Alert of the Italian Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health and Social Policies for the family of the government of India (Mohfw) has reported three cases confirmed by the Zika virus disease laboratory in the Bapunagar area. District of Ahmedabad, State of Gujarat, India. The laboratory routine surveillance has identified a case of zika virus disease confirmed by the laboratory through the RT-PCR test at the B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
The etiology of this case was further confirmed by a positive result to the RT-PCR test and the sequencing carried out at the National Reference Laboratory, the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Punto, on January 4, 2017 (case 2, following). Two additional cases (case 1 and case 3) have been identified through the surveillance of acute febrile diseases (AFI) and prenatal clinic (ANC). The cases are reported below in chronological order.
– Case 1: During the surveillance of feverish acute diseases (AFI) in the period between 10 and 16 February 2016, 93 blood samples were taken in total at the BJ Medical College (BJMC), Ahmedabad, State of Gujarat. A sample taken from a 64 -year -old man with a feverish disease that had lasted for 8 days (negative for dense infection) was positive for Zika virus at the BJMC, Ahmedabad. This is the first positive case for Zika reported through AFI surveillance at the BJMC, Ahmedabad, State of Gujarat.
– Case 2: On November 9, 2016, a 34 -year -old woman gave birth to a clinically healthy newborn at the BJMC in Ahmedabad. During the hospitalization period, he developed a slight post-partum feverish state. The anamnesis is no feverish episode during pregnancy nor any journey in the previous three months. A sample taken from the patient was sent to the Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL) at the BJMC for the analyzes for Dengue and was positive for Zika viruses. The patient was discharged after a week (November 16, 2016).
The sample was reconfirmed as a positive for Zika virus via RT-PCR and sequencing at the NIV, Punne.
– Case 3: During the prenatal clinical surveillance (ANC) carried out between 6 and 12 January 2017, 111 blood samples were taken at the BJMC. A sample taken from a woman during the 37th week of pregnancy was positive for Zika virus disease.
This relationship is important because it describes the first cases of zika virus infection and confirms the circulation of the virus in India. These results suggest a low level of transmission of the Zika virus but further cases may occur in the future. A strengthened surveillance should be maintained to better characterize the intensity of viral circulation and geographical diffusion, and monitor the complications related to the Zika virus. It is known that the Zika virus is circulating in the region of Southeast Asia and these results do not change the global risk assessment. The WHO encourages Member States to report similar results to better understand the global epidemiology of the Zika virus.
The risk of further diffusion of the Zika virus in areas in which the competent carriers are present, the Aedes mosquitoes is significant, for the wide geographical distribution of these mosquitoes in various regions of the world. The WHO continues to monitor the epidemiological situation and to conduct the risk assessment according to the most recent information available. To combat epidemic, citizens were invited to destroy the sources of stagnant water where mosquitoes, bearers of the virus.
The Department of Preventive Medicine, urged women pregnant to postpone travel in the areas affected by Zika and to those who have to make business trips to those areas to take precautions against mosquito stings. India is the third Asian country to report virus infection linked to zika. Giovanni d ’ Agata, president of the “Rights Desk”, always punctual in notifying citizens, recalls that the Zika virus is mainly transmitted by the stings of the mosquito of the genus Aedes Aegypti and is massively affecting the America of the South but now also Asian countries, becoming an emergency for global public health. People traveling in high risk areas, in particular pregnant women, should adopt basic precautions for protection from mosquito stings.
These include the use of repellents, light color dresses, long -sleeved shirts and pants and rooms must be equipped with doors and window mosquito nets to avoid mosquitoes to enter. The health alert was published on Friday 26 May on the new portal dedicated to infectious diseases of the Ministry of Health.